About us
Ceba Sp. z o.o. has been on the market for over 30 years. It is a Polish company with traditions. It was founded by two engineers that became fathers in 1990’s. Nowadays, the company employs both young mothers and mature ones that re-enter the job market. We also have grandmothers on board – they are the ones that remember the first years of the company’s activities and they will stay with us till they retire. We are extremely proud that women account for 90% of our total number of employees. They are our most valuable asset!
Our company is famous for the production of various types of changing tables – we are a leader in their production in the EU. We also manufacture bed sheets, termoboxes, care kits and our famous PHYSIO pillows.

How it all started? We introduced our first pillows to the Polish market in 2010. Our pillows were the first pillows on the market that were filled with micropearl. They are known not only on the Polish market but also in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, and even Norway and Denmark. Along with the development of our company, we began to work on our core range of products – relaxation pillows, nursing pillows for Mums and Babies. We always listen to our client’s advice – pregnant women and the women that are breastfeeding their babies, because they are experts on the topic. The opinions on the products that we got from our clients made us think differently about our standard product. It turned out that pillows for feeding and sleeping intended for pregnant moms are often used by other family members, their partners, grandmothers and grandparents, as well as their older children. What for? The pillows were used for ordinary and special purposes such as finding the most comfortable body position while watching TV, supporting the spine during physiotherapy exercises or finding a comfortable position during prolonged immobility periods (broken leg or surgery). The pillow revolution has begun! Get ready for it!